(SOLVED) The goal of the case study/policy brief is to demonstrate your learning of the concepts covered in the class by coming up with a real-world application that you can describe/solve using tools and methods from the course.
Discipline: Accounting
Type of Paper: Question-Answer
Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 1-2)
Paper Format: APA
EC-314 Public and Private Investment Analysis
Course Overview
While this course is an economics course, it has a slightly different focus than most economics courses. This course is focused on public and private investment analysis with a focus on engineering, business, and personal finance analysis. We'll cover a number of topics including but not limited to:
· Time value of money.
· Interest calculation and discounting.
· Corporate accounting.
· Cost-benefit.
· Rate-of-return analysis.
Case Study/Policy Brief (4 pages)
The course requires a case study analysis or a short policy brief. The goal of the case study/policy brief is to demonstrate your learning of the concepts covered in the class by coming up with a real-world application that you can describe/solve using tools and methods from the course.
The goal of the case study/policy brief is to demonstrate your learning of the concepts covered in the class by coming up with a real-world application that you can describe/solve using tools and methods from the course.
Your application should be a “real” application, but you can make up reasonable values for parameters when you are not able to get real data. The goal is to highlight your ability to apply the methods.
This assignment is not meant to be a burden but an opportunity to explore an area or topic that interests you. In the past, students have continued working on similar short papers and developed them into longer papers and on some occasions presented them at conferences. Final Submission - Score for the final submission of the term paper.
Format and grading criteria:
1. A separate title page.
2. A body that is 5 pages of text but this could vary with topic. The final page count does not include graphs or figures.
3. Double spaced, 1" margins all around, 12-pt. font.
4. The paper contains:
1. Background information about which motivates why it is important.
2. Brief conclusion summarizing key points.
5. A bibliography including at least 2 references but it should be consistent within your paper.
Expert Solution Preview
Background Information
A personalized financial plan with a goal for the future is a written plan that helps an individual save money and make smart financial decisions to reach a specific goal(Bogan et al., 2020).Such a plan can help an individual save money for a down payment on a house, pay off debt, or accumulate savings over time. The first step in making a personal financial strategy is to develop a clear and attainable financial goal (Jackson, 2018). When someone knows what they would like to do, they can start planning how to do it. The strategy could mean coming up with a plan to save money, making a budget, and looking for ways to cut costs. If an individual is trying to reach a financial goal, they need to keep themselves motivated. One way to attain this goal is to set up a personal system of rewards and incentives. For example, an individual could reward themself every time they reach one of their smaller goals. Such rewards might help the individual stay motivated and on track to reach their final goal.